
Voith among the top 10 of the largest family-owned companies in the IÖW future sustainability ranking 2015

  • Ranked 2nd place for sustainability reporting by mechanical engineering companies
  • 32nd place ranking confirms Voith's commitment to sustainability
Heidenheim. How credible and good are the sustainability reports published by Germany’s 150 largest companies? With funding from Germany's Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) has conducted a thorough study, with the "future – verantwortung unternehmen" CSR initiative, of just these questions. Voith came second among the major German mechanical engineering companies in the newly published 2015 sustainability ranking – Voith is also one of the Top 10 family-owned companies.

As part of its assessment, IÖW looked at how credibly Voith provided information about the social, ecological and economic impacts of its business activities, the goals and objectives the company has set itself and the measures it has taken to achieve them. Other criteria were the relevance of information provided and the overall quality of communication. "We are very pleased about the ranking as it confirms the quality of our sustainability work and our aim of getting better from year to year," comments Dr. Hubert Lienhard, President and CEO of Voith GmbH.

"As a family-owned company with a history stretching back almost 150 years Voith follows a long-term Corporate Strategy, anchored by the principle of sustainability and a commitment to Corporate Responsibility. Our goal is to make Voith a benchmark company in sustainability terms," Lienhard goes on to explain.

Voith scored best in the newly published ranking in the "Ecological aspects of production" and "Targets and programs" categories. The company continued along this road last year with energy savings of around 6.8% and reduction of waste of 6.0% being made in 2015, for example. In September 2015, the Péter Horváth Foundation awarded Voith its Green Controlling Prize for measuring and controlling the economic and ecological efficiency potentials of its business activities. Lienhard: "Our results for environmental management, in particular, demonstrate that we belong to Germany's best companies in this field. In the medium term we aim to consolidate our position among the top-ranked players and become a leader in our industries in all aspects of sustainability."

Voith sets standards in the markets for energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials, transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 20,000 people, generates 4.3 billion euros in sales, operates in over 60 countries around the world and is now one of the biggest family companies in Europe.*
*Excluding the discontinued operation Voith Industrial Services.