
Every Invention, every Future Trend Begins with a Movement.

Moving away from the well-known things. Turning to new possibilities and challenges. For 150 years Voith has been fascinated by movement and turns. We are driven by speed and speed control. We are always good at probing: Challeging the status quo.

For many decades, we have worked closely with oil- and gas industries worldwide.

And we`ve never hesitated to take a new turn.

We are introducing a new solution for speed control

The VECO-Drive

Get the Drive.

Our VECO-Drive.

Your Benefits.

9 7 % p e a k e f fi ci e n c y .
R e l i a b il i t y ba c k e d b y o v e r 3 4 , 00 0 s u c c e s s f u l v a r i a bl e sp e e d i nst a l l a t i o n s .
S e r v i c e n e t w o r k i n o v e r 6 0 c o u n t r i e s .

This Is How It Looks

Design of Variable Speed Drive Train

The VECO-Drive steps-up input speed and generates a high output speed for compressors or pumps. Frequency controlled servo motors are used together with a superimposing planetary gear to adjust the output speed which processes the demand.

Because additional power is supplied to the drive train, a smaller main motor can be used. This saves capital expenditures. The servo motors can be used as starters in order to protect the electric grid from high inrush currents.

This Is How It Works

Closing the Gap – Our First Electric Superimposing Gear

The new VECO-Drive is an innovative solution combining a mechanical planetary gear with frequency controlled servo motors. This opens up completely new possibilities for overall system optimization.
The electrical superimposing gear is the most efficient way to make speed variable. Servo motors are used to drive a planetary gear. Since only a small amount of rated power is needed, an overall component efficiency of greater than 97 percent is reached, saving valuable energy and reducing operating expenditures. This saves valuable energy and reduces operating expenditures every day.

Comparisons of VECO-Drive*) and full scale in-line VFD**|

*) including transformer, low voltage VFD, lube oil pump and forced cooling
**) including transformer, step-up gear and lube oil pump

Technical Data
Output power Output speed Component efficency
4 – 15 MW 5,000 - 15,000 rpm Up to 97 percent

VECO-Drive Webinar - Boost your drive efficiency up to 97%

Fill out the form and get access to the free VECO-Drive Webinar. You will learn how the VECO-Drive functions, opening up new possibilities for system optimization. VECO-Drive – Get the Drive




VECO-Drive Brochure

Sectional Drawing

Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Variable Speed Drives
Voithstr. 1
74564 Crailsheim, Germany
Tel. +49 7951 32-261