Voith supports Theater Arts for Everyone

Voith supports Theater Arts for Everyone

In April 2024, Voith was proud to award Theater Arts for Everyone (TAFE) in York, Pa. with a $1,000 #VoithCares donation for fiscal year 2023/2024.

TAFE is a community theatre focused on the mission of giving everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre. The nonprofit believes that anyone can benefit from what theatre arts can teach and is committed to serving those who are often not involved with theatre, including but not limited to seniors and people with disabilities.

TAFE offers camps, workshops and special event performances and works with all ages and abilities. The nonprofit offers a theatrical experience that stimulates growth in artists and patrons and creates a deeper sense of community through productions that broaden perspectives and grow awareness. The nonprofit’s performances also include touring shows that visit schools, libraries, churches and senior centers, bringing the art of performance to many!

“Volunteering with TAFE has been an enriching experience as I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of a nonprofit that makes theatre accessible for underrepresented populations,” says Greg McLyman, Manager of Recruiting for Voith in North America. “Voith’s donation will allow this local nonprofit in my community to continue providing a free option for everyone and anyone to participate in theatre.”