Voith employees support local Brazilian community affected by COVID-19
By donating ten tons of food and 10,000 masks to health institutions, as well as helping people generate income during the pandemic, Voith and its employees supported the population living in the Jaraguá neighborhood, where Voith Brazil is located. The initiatives mobilized Voith and its employees to support the company’s neighboring communities.
Voith employees helped communities combat COVID-19 in the Jaraguá neighborhood, São Paulo, where the Voith Brazil operating unit is located. They helped people especially affected by the drop in family revenues and employment during the pandemic.
Between 2020 and 2021, the “#EstamosJuntos” (“We are all together”) campaign collected and donated ten tons of food to families living in the vicinities of Voith Brazil. The campaign’s success was also facilitated by its employees, who voluntarily helped collect funds to distribute food staple “baskets.” In 2020, the campaign donated approximately four tons of food to institutions near the company. In 2021, the initiative even surpassed the previous year’s figures: Voith’s employees doubled their donations, helping the campaign to collect more than six tons of food (about 400 food staple “baskets”) for five nonprofit institutions in the region.
The donations collected by Voith Brazil also enabled the company to undertake two other social responsibility initiatives. In April 2020, the company purchased 10,000 two-layer, non-woven surgical masks to be distributed at neighboring health institutions – an especially valuable donation when the demand for personal protective equipment for health professionals was at its peak.
In an effort to help generate income for the local community, Voith Brazil also commissioned seamstresses and craftspeople from the Jaraguá and Pirituba neighborhoods to manufacture 15,000 fabric masks for Voith employees working in essential service areas.