Case Study - Steel: Hydraulic system integrity - proactive leak detection

Hydraulic system integrity

    Proactive leak detection
    Industry Steel
    Facility Section rolling mill
    Use case Oil leakage detection
    AI models 2
    Signals 42
    Oil leakage detection is crucial for advancing predictive maintenance. The basic model, developed over months, will be optimized with incremental learning.
    Florian Goll, Project Manager, Stahlwerk Thüringen GmbH

    Oil leaks in the hydraulic system lead to sudden production interruptions and therefore unplanned downtime. The early detection of leaks shortens this downtime and enables operators to shift production interruptions to planned maintenance periods. It also reduces the resulting losses.

    Added value from Voith
    Avoiding unplanned downtime and extending production time serves to boost output. Early detection saves money by reducing the amount of oil that is lost and the need for subsequent clean-up work. In addition, identifying the specific component that caused the leak ensures better-quality results and a more targeted response.

    Hydraulic leakage at V roll locking cylinder