
TerraSpeed roll cover achieves top performance at specialty paper manufacturer Technocell

Since 2012, Technocell has been using the Voith TerraSpeed ceramic coating on its PM 18 in Titisee-Neustadt, Germany. For more than one and a half years, TerraSpeed has been running on the central position of the press section, and the production managers in Neustadt are delighted about its excellent and stable performance ever since it has been installed, which is also confirmed by Mill Manager Jens Lategahn.
The additives used for specialty papers, such as wet strength agents, AKD and the high portion of fillers used (up to 45%), not only require stable roughness and sheet release, but also easy conditioning of the roll surface. Previous roll covers of rubber and composite materials had to be continuously conditioned with release agents to ensure sufficient runability. With TerraSpeed, the use of release agents has been reduced considerably, while the number of breaks in the press area has been cut down by half. Another positive effect is that the doctor blade service lives have been increased by almost 100%.

All these positive results have been unchanged since start-up in 2012, grinding or re-machining of the roll has not yet been necessary. On the contrary, during the last inspection, the roll surface still showed uniform and stable surface values comparable to the condition on delivery.
Conventional roll covers, on the other hand, had to be removed and re-machined due to performance and wear problems already after about seven to nine months of service.

The Felix Schoeller group is one of the leading producers of high-quality specialty papers in the field of photographic, printing and decor papers, as well as non-wovens.

The Technocell location in Titisee-Neustadt has made itself a name as the cradle of innovative decor papers, such as PRIP® (pre-impregnated paper) and RSP® (resin saving paper), and also with packaging and wall liner. Its focus is on PM 18 with a variety of installations for the production of specialty papers in a basis weight range of 30-250 g/m² with an annual production of 26,000 t.

More information about ceramic coating

Voith Paper is a division of the Voith Group and the leading partner to and pioneer in the paper industry. Through constant innovations, Voith Paper is optimizing the paper manufacturing process, focusing on developing resource-saving products to reduce the use of energy, water, and fibers. Furthermore, Voith Paper offers a broad service portfolio for all sections of the paper manufacturing process.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 43,000 people, generates € 5.7 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.


Julia Bachmeier

Voith Paper GmbH & Co. KG Sankt Pöltener Straße 43


t +49 7321 37-3858