
Setting the Course for the Future: New Voith Training Center Opens in Heidenheim

Heidenheim. Voith officially opened its new Training Center today at a ceremony attended by the Minister President of the state of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, Education Minister Andreas Stoch and numerous members of the Voith family.
“Voith is a pioneer in vocational training and for more than 100 years has been taking responsibility for future generations of skilled workers. Voith has no intention of compromising on its commitment to training and professional development: We are investing in the training of young people and the professional development and up-skilling of our technical workers and managers. And we do this gladly!” said Dr. Hubert Lienhard, President and CEO of the Corporate Board of Management of Voith GmbH.

“Training and skills development do not play a mere peripheral role at Voith but are at the very core of this innovative, globally operating company,” said Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President Winfried Kretschmann. “With its new Training Center, Voith is yet again sending a strong signal about highly trained skilled workers and at the same time showing how vocational training can be designed to be appealing and in tune with the times.”

Voith has invested around EUR 16 million in the new Voith Training Center. The new building will also offer ongoing training and professional development to skilled workers and managers at Voith. The new training facility for industrial and commercial trainees represents a clear commitment to the Heidenheim location as the company’s headquarters. In an environment that is radically different and innovative, Voith trainers will in future provide instruction in the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for the various skilled occupations in which training is offered. As a result, the way the workshop is organized has also changed: The training workshop on the ground floor is designed as a large, open-plan space. At the start of their training, all Voith trainees at the site will be taught together and will cover the same core curriculum for a period of up to three months. As a result, all new trainees will get a better idea of the work involved in other occupations and will gain a common understanding of the bigger picture across disciplines. This is a component of Voith's new vocational training concept, which was developed three years ago and which has been gradually introduced since then.

The dual education system is a proven and successful model for securing the next generation of skilled workers in Germany. It plays a vital role in the competitiveness of the location as a base for industry. Voith has been training young people for more than 100 years. “The dual-track system is one of the most important tools available to companies with a pro-active strategy geared to long-term success. This is an approach that has always been typical of many German companies, especially those owned by families,” said Lienhard. At the Heidenheim site, more than 200 young people are currently being trained in industrial trades and commercial occupations. Voith trainees regularly receive accolades for their excellent performances.

The Voith Training Center is a multifunctional building with a lot of special architectural features: To allow the greatest possible flexibility and create a lot of space for the ground-floor workshop, the two top floors were suspended from a steel roof structure weighing 700 metric tons and resting on just four huge pillars that also support the building’s glass facade. Special solar control glazing prevents the building from becoming too warm. Another innovation is the building’s lighting concept: The daylight-controlled LED lighting designed and developed for the building by Voith allows up to 40 percent energy savings over conventional lighting systems. The new Voith Training Center thus combines its modern training concept with architecture, construction, building technology and design to create an innovative overall concept.
Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 43,000 people, generates € 5.7 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.