
Voith’s production hall air system a success at Griesson - de Beukelaer

Griesson - de Beukelaer (GdB) is completely satisfied with the Voith plant ventilation technology that has been installed at its production facility in Polch, Germany. As early as the project planning stage, the focus was on a system that would be as cost-efficient as possible. And this is exactly what Voith has delivered, as GdB confirms:
“As a result of the successful collaboration at our Kempen plant we once again opted for Voith as our project partner," says Peter Gries, Head of Corporate Communications and Press Officer at GdB. “With Voith’s technology we now have a modern and above all efficient ventilation system that meets our stringent quality requirements. Voith more than met our expectations of fast and uncomplicated project implementation.”

Since October 2013, the ventilation and air extraction system with integrated cooling for the new packing zone has been providing a controlled and hygienic indoor climate. This was achieved by installing a two-stage outside and intake air filtering system plus additional exhaust air filters, enabling all quality requirements for the production process to be met.

The scope of supply included automatic control of outside, exhaust and circulating air flows, which is the most effective method for heating and cooling energy recovery. The built-in cooler ensures constant ambient temperatures all year round and limits the relative humidity to guarantee a safe production process. Cooling is provided by a highly efficient refrigeration unit.

The air is distributed via fabric air outlets offering various advantages: The intake air can be introduced at a low velocity according to the principle of displacement ventilation. In addition, the fabric ducting is readily demountable and washable and has an antibacterial coating. This all ensures an optimum climate and air purity in the production hall and other occupied zones. Moreover, the system dimensions can be optimized to reduce energy consumption and operating costs. A controlled air balance is also maintained in the packing area to comply with hygiene and room climate standards, while an intelligent automation system ensures that the air flows are adjusted via variable-frequency fans depending on load and demand.

Griesson - de Beukelaer
Griesson - de Beukelaer is one of Europe’s leading vendors of biscuits and savory snacks, producing 160,000 metric tons annually at its facilities in Germany: Polch (Rhineland-Palatinate), Kempen (North-Rhine Westphalia), Kahla (Thuringia), Ravensburg (Baden-Württemberg) and Wurzen (Saxony). The company employs 2,360 people and in 2013 posted total sales of EUR 545 million. The GdB product range includes the wellknown brands DeBeukelaer, Griesson, Prinzen Rolle, LEICHT&CROSS, Tekrum, Café Musica, ChocOlé, TUC and Wurzener.

More information about process air systems

Voith Paper is a division of the Voith Group and the leading partner to and pioneer in the paper industry. Through constant innovations, Voith Paper is optimizing the paper manufacturing process, focusing on developing resource-saving products to reduce the use of energy, water, and fibers. Furthermore, Voith Paper offers a broad service portfolio for all sections of the paper manufacturing process.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 43,000 people, generates € 5.7 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.


Simone Rampmaier

Voith Paper GmbH & Co. KG Sankt Pöltener Straße 43


t +49 7321 37-2060