Voith Marine Expands its Product Portfolio to Include Propulsors for Semi-Submersible Platforms

Voith Radial Propellers (VRP) are powerful, reliable vessel propulsion systems. With an additional size of this propulsion system, Voith now expands its portfolio. VRPs are mainly used in semi-submersible platforms for oil and gas extraction as well as in special wind farm installation vessels.

For over 30 years now, Voith has been gaining experience with propulsion systems in the natural gas pipelay vessel Castoro Sei. This vessel is
a semi-submersible platform which has been used for several decades to build subsea pipelines - most recently the new Baltic Sea pipeline. Semi-submersible platforms are currently in demand all over the world: The new development of oil and gas fields such as those off the coasts of Brazil or in the South China Sea require reliable platform propulsion and positioning systems. This year alone, companies have invested approx. 8 bn USD in oil and gas projects at Korean shipyards.

The new Voith Radial Propeller is designated as VRP 38-45, which stands for a diameter of 3.80 m and an input power of 4 500 kW. With its compact design, the latest Voith propulsor targets the drilling vessel market, i.e. vessels equipped with a drilling tower or floating platforms with six or eight propulsion units. A dynamic positioning system on these vessels allows work to be carried out on the platform under almost any weather conditions -
a requirement for which the VRP has been developed.

Voith has already successfully introduced its VRP 42-55 into the market. With its propeller diameter of 4.20 m, it was developed for an input power of approx. 5 500 kW. To date, five of these propulsion systems have been delivered. They will be used in a special offshore wind farm installation vessel and have been designed for an input power of
5 750 kW.

VRP are fully pivotable vessel propulsion systems with a fixed-pitch propeller in a nozzle. The engine is arranged vertically above the drive shaft in an
L-shape. Both the installation as well as the maintenance of VRPs can be done with the vessel afloat.

Voith Turbo, the specialist for hydrodynamic drive, coupling and braking systems for road, rail and industrial applications, as well as for ship propulsion systems, is a Group Division of Voith GmbH.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transportation & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs almost 40 000 people, generates €5.2 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.


Global Communications Voith Turbo