
Voith Offers Perspective to Refugees – Four Young Men Start Initial Qualification Program Today

Heidenheim. Today, four young men start a one-year initial qualification program for industrial mechanics at Voith with the aim of taking up an official apprenticeship in 2017.
The young trainees complete this course, which has been specifically designed to familiarize them with the German job market. The course is part of the trainee sponsorship with which Voith participates in the initiative “Wir zusammen” of German industries. The initiative pools projects of German companies with the goal of helping refugees to integrate themselves into their new surroundings.

Drilling, filing, milling: Time for Mohammed, Jambo, Osman and Abdulhader to get stuck in at the Voith Training Center. Alongside their technical training, the refugees also receive German lessons at the Heidenheim Training Center. The four candidates are looked after by Werner Etti, a long-term vocational trainer at Voith who will be exclusively in charge of schooling the young refugees. The young men were chosen for the initial qualification program during a one-week practical training course, which they had completed in advance. During this program they were able to demonstrate their abilities, their technical understanding and their linguistic skills.

Voith is pleased to welcome the young people in the company and wishes them every success and lots of exciting experiences with their future work.

The Heidenheim family-owned company is convinced that there is no better place than a job when it comes to integrating people. Erwin Krajewski, Head of Training at the Voith Training Center in Heidenheim is convinced: “If we are actively working on the future chances of refugees in the job market, their integration into their new home will be far more successful. We want to be true integration supporters and create perspectives for refugees”.

After the successful completion of their initial qualification course, the four young men will have the opportunity to start an apprenticeship as industrial mechanics at Voith.

Voith sets standards in the markets for energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials, transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 20,000 people, generates 4.3 billion euros in sales, operates in over 60 countries around the world and is now one of the biggest family companies in Europe.*
*Excluding the discontinued operation Voith Industrial Services.