
200,000 euro savings: Voith rebuilds disc filter in existing wet end process of a paper machine

By installing the latest disc filter technology in an existing wet end process, Voith was able to noticeably increase the capacity and greatly improve the filtrate quality. The savings are reflected in cost advantages and sustainable production.
The BaglessPlus sector allows increased capacity, more stable operation and also requires no filter bags
A Chinese customer is fulfilling its goal of running an especially environ-mentally friendly operation by using BaglessPlus disc filter sectors. By up-grading to BaglessPlus sectors, the papermaker is in a position to achieving very clean superclear filtrate with very high filtration efficiency. Instead of 500 ppm, a filtrate quality of less than 50 ppm was attained. This filtered water can be reused, which was previously not possible. The maintenance costs are also lower. Life time estimates for BaglessPlus range from 10 to 20 years.

Total savings amount is about 200,000 euros per year. After the success of the BaglessPlus parts, the Chinese papermaker decided to rebuild several other parallel lines with the same technology.

Furthermore, rebuilding existing disc filters benefited another Asian cus-tomer. Special filter bags are used which were developed by Voith for re-building disc filters of other manufacturers. The filter can now take up sub-stantially more backwater per second. Its capacity rose by 40% and fiber loss dropped noticeably. The paper machine runs at a production speed that is 10% higher.

Voith uses products such as BaglessPlus sectors to rebuild existing ma-chines. Improved operation is thus achieved for a fraction of the cost a new installation would involve.

Voith Paper is a division of the Voith Group and the leading partner to and pioneer in the paper industry. Through constant innovations, Voith Paper is optimizing the paper manufacturing process, focusing on developing re-source-saving products to reduce the use of energy, water, and fibers.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transportation & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs almost 40,000 people, generates € 5.6 billion in sales, operates in about 50 coun-tries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned com-panies in Europe.


Julia Bachmeier

Voith Paper GmbH & Co. KG Sankt Pöltener Straße 43


t +49 7321 37-3858