New Voith Rotor for processing virgin pulp

Energy consumption reduced by 30 percent

2014-09-17 - Voith has brought a new rotor for its IntensaPulper onto the market, the IPV Rotor. It is in the LowEnergy rotor product line and has been specifically developed for dissolving pulp and all other clean raw materials. The new component has already proven itself under mill conditions and shows its strengths here: energy consumption of the IPV Rotor can be 30% less than that of conventional technologies. The IPV Rotor can be used both in the new IntensaPulper as well as in existing pulpers.

Despite high recycling rates, some virgin fibers are also required in the production of high-quality paper grades. Voith has brought a new rotor onto the market, the IPV Rotor, so that the energy requirement also becomes noticeably less in the preparation of pulp and other clean raw materials. The designation IPV expresses what it was developed for, namely for use in the Voith IntensaPulper (IP) and in processing virgin pulp (V), i.e., virgin fibers. The new IPV Rotor can actually be used not only in the IntensaPulper but also in other pulpers and with other raw materials and can be retrofitted within the framework of a rebuild without any problem. In practice, the new rotor has already proven itself in the Voith IntensaPulper and in rebuilt pulpers of various paper manufacturers.
New rotor design and bale breaker save energy. The new design of the IPV Rotor improves the flow characteristics in the pulper, which noticeably lowers the energy requirement. In addition, another improvement of the pulping process can be achieved through integration of a so-called bale breaker. The bale breaker loosens the hard-pressed pulp bales before the actual dissolution in the pulper and thus disburdens the rotor. The new IPV Rotor has now been installed and in use as part of rebuilds at several paper manufacturers and is delivering convincing results. Depending on the raw material used, the investment pays off within a very short time. In the installations carried out, the energy savings are up to 4 kWh/t. The energy costs here drop by up to 30,000 euros per year. //