Human Resources

Flow Link Systems

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

Our core values

We at Flow Link Systems are driven by our five core values: Humanity, Honesty, Dedication, Integrity and On-time.

Our core values are the driving force of the company as they establish the foundation of our work culture. They assist us in reacting and adapting to our constantly changing environment. We are proud to be guided by these core values, they strengthen our company, encourage our employees to excel, and result in tangible benefits for our customers.

Flow Link System's human resource and employment philosophy and practice is based on the recognition that our people are the primary source of our competitiveness.

  • Our human resource philosophy stems from our guiding human resource policy which states, "Employee involvement is our way of life. Our people are the source of our strength; we shall foster teamwork and treat each other with trust and respect. Every employee is responsible for carrying out this policy".
  • The core principles enshrined in our employment policy are, "To inspire, evaluate, motivate, encourage and commend our employees."

Human Resources
Our integrity, teamwork and dedication to excellence guides us. We evaluate ourselves, our operations, our planning, our future vision in order to achieve our full potential and to push the boundaries of our capabilities. This enables us to move ahead with courage and confidence to help make people's lives more exciting, better, fulfilling, happier, richer and easier.
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources