Voith Service

For the fastest bogie service

Voith Service for bogies

    From a simple inspection to a complete overhaul we focus on fast, needs-based maintenance to minimize downtimes. Our experts have an eye on all components, from the entire bogie via complete wheelsets to the smallest part.

    Contact our experts
    Martin Ketelhake, Senior consultant technology / vehicle and maintenance management, cantus Verkehrsgesellschaft
    “Voith carried out the bogie overhaul for a total of 21 vehicles to our complete satisfaction. Especially the flexibility and the short processing times convinced us.”
    Martin Ketelhake, Senior consultant technology / vehicle and maintenance management, cantus Verkehrsgesellschaft
    Read more about our workshop

    Our services

      All forces to which rolling stock is subjected are applied to the bogie. The functionality of the subsystem is therefore essential for the operational safety of vehicles. With our services, we support you in maintaining bogies and all related components. Here, we focus on safety-relevant aspects, fast turnaround times and, last but not least, your individual needs.

      Spare parts & units
      Spare parts & units
      Exchange units
      Exchange units
      MRO & field service
      MRO & field service
      Service packages
      Service packages
      Technical support
      Technical support
      Why use Voith Service?
      Why use Voith Service?

      • Everything from a single source: development, design, production – and service!
      • Decades of product experience as an original equipment manufacturer and service provider
      • Fast and smooth cooperation and best service thanks to a worldwide network of service locations
      • Long-term partnership and planning security are guaranteed due to longstanding corporate stability

      To our entire service portfolio
      Voith Turbo Webshop