Growing portfolio of dedicated training to meet your specific training needs
Dedicated training programs are implemented especially for you as a Voith Hydro customer or partner. The courses and curricula are conducted as classroom training with practical parts and will take place at one of our Voith training locations and/or on site at your facility. Our dedicated training is comprised of an array of topics and modules that can be easily and individually combined to achieve your personal training goals.
The right content for your training needs, individually and modularly compiled
Modular principle
HydroSchool offers different modules on topics such as turbine and generator basics, design and maintenance, and digital and hydraulic governors. Our modular structure gives you the ability to put the modules together individually according to target group and training needs. In addition to our modules on hydropower components, HydroSchool also offers an expert curriculum, the "Hydropower Maintenance Expert". Plant-specific training and practical training sessions at your power plant are possible and perfectly complement our modular approach.

Exemplary structure: The listed modules are subject to change, due to individual HydroSchool offerings in the corresponding country. Please contact our expert for specific questions
Course offering overview
Discover our wide range of Public Courses, open to the general public. Public Courses are conducted as classroom training and will take place at one of our Voith training locations or online.
Explore our public course training calendarHydroSchool success stories around the world
- Topic: Individual virtual classroom training
- Scope: Turbine, hydraulic governor, generator and electronic equipment, excitation system, plant protection, digital governors
- Location: Monrovia, Liberia - Online-Training
- Date: November 2020
- Customer: Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) in cooperation with Hydro Operation International (HOI)
- Topic: Operation, maintenance and engineering
- Scope: 17 courses
- Duration: 203 training days
- Place: Ingula, South Africa
- Customer: Eskom Holding / Ingula
- Topic: Plant-Specific SCADA training
- Duration: 2 x 7 training days
- Place: Heidenheim, Germany
- Date: April and July 2018
- Language: France
- Customer: Société Nationale dāÉlectricité / INGA
- Topic: Hydropower train the trainer
- Scope: ten modules
- Duration: 49 training days
- Place: Heidenheim, Germany
- Date: July to November 2018
- Customer: Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority / Mangla
- Topic: Hydropower train the trainer
- Scope: Design, operation and maintenance
- Duration: 5 training days
- Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Topic: Operation and maintenance of synchronous condenser and their auxiliaries
- Scope: Types of synchronous condenser ā electrical auxiliary services ā excitement and protection ā automation and monitoring and monitoring: mechanical aid
- Duration: 5 training days
- Place: Rurópolis, Brazil
- Date: January 2019
- Language: Portogues
- Customer: Equatorial / Synchronous Condenser Rurópolis and Tapajós
Contact us
Do you have questions or need for a specific course? Contact our team for individual support!