Attitude determines action: What defines us

Our guidelines & identity

    Our attitude determines the way we act – as a global tech company that strives to promote innovation as well as a traditional family firm that assumes responsibility and wants to secure our future. The relationship with our customers and among Voith employees is informed by our attitude, which expresses our company identity. Clear guidelines provide us with structure and help us to shape the way we work together while consciously and actively improving the world we act in. 



    Social responsibility

    Social responsibility



    Sustainability: For a world worth living in

      Decarbonizing the industry is one of our company’s main goals. In this, we’re pioneers, innovative thinkers, crossing boundaries and taking new paths. Whether it’s energy, paper, resources, or transport and automotive: we strive to make the world of our clients and partners a better place. Ecologically – and economically.
      We invest in innovative ideas such as:
      • Solutions that use waterpower as a regenerative energy resource 
      • Plants for a resource-friendly paper production 
      • Electrified power trains for environmentally friendly mobility 

      In addition, our goal to save resources and take ecological and social responsibility is anchored in our buying strategy – across all supply chains. Independent partners, such as the rating agency ISS ESG support us on our way, for example with a yearly sustainability inspection. 

      Social responsibility: Locally & globally

        Sustainable technologies for future generations: it’s our goal to actively shape our future and make the world we live in better – one day at a time. That’s why we run an extensive donation and sponsoring program. 

        We’re especially passionate about:

        • supporting science and research in the field of sustainable technologies 
        • the education of children, adolescents, and young adults 

        In addition to sponsoring programs and donations, we’re especially passionate about supporting young people. Each year, 30 adolescents with special educational requirements start the school year to prepare them for the job. They receive individual training and new perspectives. More than 80% of graduates go on to train in Ostwürttemberg.

        In addition, our employees are involved privately with causes that are close to their hearts. With our #VoithCares program, we support these personal social engagements and fund global projects. True to our belief ‘sustainable technologies for future generations’, these projects address one of the following issues: digitalization, technology, innovation, decarbonization, or social issues.

        Each year, 50 projects receive a donation of €1000,-. The total sum of €50,000,- is carried by Voith and the Hanns-Voith Foundation. Each project supports children, adolescents, young adults, and people with disabilities. Examples include building schools and orphanages in Africa, India, and Brazil, or supporting aid projects to better integrate handicapped people or people with financial and social needs. This way, our employees actively assume responsibility and help us make the world a better place.

        Diversity as a constant

          Voith is diverse – and so are our employees. At Voith, different personalities, cultures, and backgrounds come together to find new paths and develop sustainable technologies for future generations.
          Our employees constantly broaden their horizons while remaining rooted in tradition. What’s important to us:
          • We value different perspectives. 
          • We treat each other with respect and treat each other with an open mind and at eye level. 
          • All employees have the opportunity to unfold their potential. 

          At Voith, we live diversity. Equal opportunities are non-negotiable. That’s why, in October 2018, we signed the Charta der Vielfalt, committing ourselves to fostering a respectful workplace without prejudice. This commitment is supported by the diversity and inclusion program we introduced company-wide in 2012/2013 and which we constantly develop further.

          To foster collaboration, exploration and a sense of belonging, our corporate Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are an integral part of our company culture, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Facilitated by fellow Voithians, our ERGs aim to increase awareness, build bridges among employees and contribute to an inclusive working environment. Click below to learn about our Pride@Voith ERG.

          Job opportunities at Voith

            Unfold your true potential with us – these are our open positions: 

            We’re proud of these awards

              Voith certificate „Fair company“

              Fair company

              Logo “Charta der Vielfalt”

              Charta der Vielfalt

              Logo: Women in MINT professions

              Women in MINT professions