

Detect, understand, and prevent paper break causes


Functions of OnEfficiency.BreakProtect

    Reduce paper breaks and increase production efficiency

    Thanks to a unique AI algorithm and the process knowledge of Voith, OnEfficiency.BreakProtect not only warns of critical process states, which can lead to breaks, but also instructs how to get rid of them to prevent breaks. The countermeasures can range from small rebuilds to one-time optimizations and actions to be taken each time the break risk increases. In the latter case, the defined countermeasures are displayed in due time to the operator, so that breaks can be prevented pro-actively.

    • Automatic identification of break segments  (breaks having the same root causes) by AI
    • Expert tool for technologists, to analyze and understand root causes for each segment
    • Warning of increased break risk and display of countermeasures to operators

    Our first experiences with OnEfficiency.BreakProtect show good results. Despite the countless possible causes for breaks, the algorithm shows the possible relevant influencing parameters and thus guides the papermaker to the critical events and settings.
    Dr. Thomas Welt, CEO Laakirchen Papier AG

    Results of OnEfficiency.BreakProtect

      There are in general three types of countermeasures, to prevent a break:

      • Continuous countermeasures, which need to be implemented whenever the break risk is increased, e.g. adapting draws
      • Optimizations, which only need to be implemented once, e.g. changing working procedures, tweaking a control loop,...
      • Small rebuilds, e.g. for increasing the detrashing capacity


      Algorithm: OnEfficiencyBreakProtect recognized that the break risk increased when certain values related to refining and dewatering changed.
      Analysis: Based on the results, OnPerformance.Lab specialists analyzed the data in detail and found that the paper width had significantly changed before this type of break. This meant that the paper length and thus the tension in the paper had also changed.
      Solution: As soon as such a pattern occurs, an alarm is sent to the operator, who is then instructed to check and adjust the draw settings to prevent breaks. 



      Algorithm: OnEfficiency.BreakProtect recognized that the break risk was increased around start/stops of the stock preparation
      Analysis: After analyzing the data, the OnPerformance.Lab specialists confirmed that the fiber composition (short fiber vs. long fiber) changed significantly during a stop. This was triggered by the goal of having both storage towers emptied simultaneously.
      Solution: A new fiber composition for the top and bottom layers was calculated, which enables uniform consumption of short and long fibers while maintaining the paper quality.
      As a positive side effect, the 2-sigma value for basis weight was also stabilized.



      Algorithm: OnEfficiency.BreakProtect recognized that there was an increased break risk after each grade change from liner to corrugated medium.
      Analysis: The OnPerformance.Lab specialists found that ash and fines accumulated throughout the process water when color was added to the recipe. Data analysis showed this was due to a reduced effect of the retention aid in combination with color.  When the addition of color was switched off, this resulted in the formation of lumps, which led to breaks.
      Solution: The first step was to increase the detrashing capacity for the white water in the microflotation by a small rebuild. In addition, the retention system was optimized. This stabilized the retention in combination with color dosing.


      How it works

        Simple implementation

        Simple implementation

        OnEfficiency.BreakProtect can be implemented in six steps:
        1. Establish data connection to the cloud
        2. Setup the artifical intelligence algorithm
        3. Paper experts analyze the break patterns discovered by the AI
        4. Paper experts define coutermeasures for each break pattern
        5. Validation and adjustment in close alignment with technologist and production
        6. Go-live and reduction of paper breaks
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        More about OnEfficiency.BreakProtect

          Taking advantage of dataPARC cloud

          Taking advantage of dataPARC cloud

          OnEfficiency.BreakProtect is part of dataPARC cloud - Voith's IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) platform. Our vision of a digital twin maps your machine in the cloud and combines functions for sensor data acquisition, data aggregation, deep analytics, visualization, and more. OnEfficiency.BreakProtect features a unique AI algorithm that uses existing process data to calculate a model that detects conditions with increased break risks and allows these to be prevented ahead of time.
          More about dataPARC cloud
          Connect with other apps

          Connect with other apps

          OnEfficiency.BreakProtect is part of Voith's "Efficiency Solutions". By combining it with other solutions from the dataPARC cloud, OnView and OnEfficiency families, you can achieve even better results. Advanced process controls (APC) from the OnEfficiency family e.g. ensure the production of the targeted paper or DIP quality at lowest cost and with highest productivity. Data can be easily visualized and analyzed with OnView - on any device, thanks to dataPARC cloud being cloud based.
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