
Power4School Goes Live at Voith

Heidenheim. During the autumn school break the new Wissensfabrik ("Knowledge Factory") project "Power4School – Pupils discover energy" has entered its first practical phase at Voith: six pupils of the Heidenheim Werkgymnasium - a technical high school - visited the Voith training center in order to build a wind turbine prototype. Power4School is a project of the German Wissensfabrik initiative with the aim to comprehensively introduce pupils to the subject of energy. Voith is implementing this project as part of its educational partnership with the Werkgymnasium.
After starting the new term, the seventh graders already had a thorough look at the subject of wind energy. In cooperation with Voith apprentices they are now entering the practical stage of their energy project. With a hub height of 1.1 meters and an equally large rotor diameter, the wind turbine will be fully functional. After its completion, the young students can fine-tune the model and experience how factors such as blade position or blade shape actually affect the output of the wind turbine.

The practical main section of the Power4School project is planned for spring 2014. The entire class will then put its theoretical energy know-how into practice at the Voith training center. "We are delighted to see that the children are working on the subject of energy with such enthusiasm. With the facilities of the Voith training center we are offering them an environment where they can put their knowledge into practice," says Erwin Krajewski, Manager Technical Apprenticeships at Voith, who coordinated the introduction of the Power4School project within the Wissensfabrik movement.

"Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.“ is a nationwide initiative of industrial companies and foundations in Germany supporting education and entrepreneurship in Germany. Voith is a founder member of the Wissensfabrik and actively participates in a number of projects, for example "NaWi – geht das?“ (How does it work?), "KiTec – Kinder entdecken Technik“ (Children discover technology) and the mentor program for young entrepreneurs.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 42,000 people, generates €5.7 billion in sales, operates in over 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.


Markus Woehl

Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA Corporate Press Office


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