
One of the Most Successful Graduating Classes: 55 Voith Apprentices Celebrate Their Graduation

Heidenheim. Yesterday, Voith celebrated the graduation of 55 apprentices in industrial-technical and commercial professions in the Voith Training Center in Heidenheim. As in past years, many of the young professionals will be honored by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for their excellent and good performance on their exams. Twenty apprentices completed their education with a grade of 1.4 or better. This includes eight apprentices who completed their apprenticeship in the Ulm Model and will now begin their university studies. Seventeen apprentices also graduated with a grade of 1.9 or better. That makes this year’s class one of the most successful groups of Voith graduates.
“It all starts with ability and know-how. You, dear young professionals, have already laid the foundation for your ability and know-how over the years of your apprenticeship, together with your instructors, supervisors and teachers,” said Dr. Roland Münch, member of the Board of Management Voith GmbH, at the graduation ceremony. “You now have the foundations that you can build your career on.”

His speech was followed by Erwin Krajewski, Director of Vocational Education at Voith in Heidenheim, who ceremoniously relieved the graduates of the duties and responsibilities of their apprenticeship contract.

Qualified skilled workers trained in the organization are a decisive factor for Voith in securing the future success of the company. That is why Voith has made training young people a priority for more than 100 years, and opened the new Voith Training Center last year to continue doing so. The company relies on the well-founded idea that the apprenticeship is an integrated process based on four core competencies: expertise in a subject, social skills, performance skills and emotional intelligence. Voith involves its apprentices in real projects right away and offers instruction at the company as well as numerous company courses and seminars on interdisciplinary topics in addition to the regular curriculum.

Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 39,000 people, generates € 5.3 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the largest family-owned companies in Europe.