Investor relations

Investor relations at Voith 

Information on our financial topics

This section gives you an opportunity to learn more about the current business development of Voith. Employee figures, sales and investments - all relevant data at a glance. This is also the place where we announce the date of our next Balance Sheet Press Conference.



    Credit Opinion Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA
    Category Moody´s Rating
    Long Term Rating Ba1
    Type corporate family rating
    Outlook negative
    Global Credit Research 18. February 2025

    Voith in figures

      in € millions 2022/23 2023/24
      Orders received 6,139 6,342
      Sales 5,506 5,227
      Research and development 232 214
      in % of sales 4.2 4.1
      Employees1) 22,479 22,243

      1) Full-time equivalents; without apprentices; as at September 30.


        Roland Bergande

        Investor Relations

        Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA


        t +49 7321 37 3208