Reinventing Hydropower

Digital hydropower solutions

Intelligent solutions to digitize your hydropower plant

    Collecting and structuring data, detecting anomalies, deciding on proper actions and smart workforce and asset management – digital hydropower solutions by Voith enable customers to tread the path towards the digital hydroelectric power plant. Whether it is about taking the very first step in digitizing selected systems in your power plant or seeking support in increasing your plant’s efficiency and availability with intelligent solutions, our experts will assist in making your equipment, assets and workforce ready for the requirements of tomorrow.  

    Contact our experts Our digital hydropower solutions Trusted partner in hydropower
    Hydropower plant operators are experiencing a variety of new challenges today and are facing an increasingly ambiguous, volatile and uncertain environment. They must compensate for a reduced workforce and loss of knowledge and often cope with an aging fleet. New technology and intelligent digital solutions are the means by which to support them for success in their future business.
    Dirk Fuchs, Head of HyService Digital & Automation
    Dirk Fuchs, Head of HyService Digital & Automation

    Digital hydropower solutions – making plant operation more efficient, transparent and secure

      The increasing demand for energy, the use of different energy sources and an advancing digitalization require greater flexibility as well as precise and real-time data from hydropower providers. Today, plants can get networked with the power supply grid, centrally managed, and software algorithms can control many processes on their own. As a result, plant operators face the challenge to meet this growing demand of data handling while at the same time increasing efficiency and reducing operation and maintenance cost. This is where Voith provides intelligent solutions that make plant operation more efficient, transparent and secure.

      Higher efficiency through digital solutions

        The increasing demand for energy, the use of different energy sources and an advancing digitalization require greater flexibility as well as precise and real-time data from hydropower providers. As a result, plant operators face the challenge of meeting the growing demand of data handling while at the same time increasing efficiency and reducing operating and maintenance costs. This is where Voith provides intelligent solutions that make plant operations more efficient, transparent and secure.

        Do you want to learn more about the huge potential of intelligent hydropower? 

        contact our experts

        Find the right solution to release the full potential of your hydropower plant

          OnCall.Video - Real-time video support
          Hydropower plant background small
          Hydropower plant background
          OnCare.Acoustic hover
          Click on the buttons to find out more about the different intelligent hydropower solutions
          OnCare.Asset hover


          Unlock reliable insights into your machine performance

          • Schedule maintenance activities precisely to prevent unplanned shutdowns
          • Integrate seamlessly with your asset management structure
          • Communicate directly with Voith Hydro experts through interactive applications
          • Receive reliable information about the health status of your machines.


          HydroPocket makes hydropower the most effective

          • Monitor your plant‘s performance
          • Analyze plant status and events
          • Transform data into insights
          The full potential of your hydropower plant

          OnCare.Health Hydro

          Ensuring effective monitoring and maintenance

          OnCare.Health Hydro
          • Continuously monitor hydropower assets in real-time with advanced diagnostics
          • Detect potential issues early to prevent unplanned downtime and optimize maintenance
          • Integrate smoothly with existing asset management systems
          • Access expert advice and tailored solutions from Voith's hydropower specialists

          Our products & services

            Voith Hydro developed and successfully introduced digital products which are up on running in numerous hydropower plants. Plant operators are benefiting form form a precise planning of overhauls and reduced maintenance cost as well as downtimes.

            Digital asset and workforce management:

            While it is getting more and more difficult for hydropower plant operators to control the increasing complexity in asset and workforce management, plant managers suffer from cost pressure and feel the need for reliable, well-performing assets. Introducing OnCare.Asset to the hydropower industry, Voith enables plant providers to perform preventive maintenance activities that substantially reduce operating and maintenance costs.

            Monitoring, analysis and diagnosis
            OnCare.Health Hydro

            OnCare.Health Hydro is the Voith monitoring, analysis and diagnostic system. It is a valuable tool due to its outstanding capabilities to support early fault detection and condition-based maintenance. It combines our engineering and manufacturing expertise with your operational experience and knowledge to design a powerful information source for operation and maintenance activities tailored to your individual hydropower plant.

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            Plant assessment and troubleshooting:

            With OnCare.Diagnostic our customers are able to schedule maintenance activities precisely and prevent unplanned shutdowns. The interactive applications enable the integration in the customer asset management structure and the direct communication to Voith Hydro experts. The OnCare.Diagnostic family stands for reliable information about the health status of your machines.

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            Mobile management of your hydropower plants:

            HydroPocket is an intuitive, simple, cloud-based application that allows plant owners and operators to monitor, analyze and optimize hydropower stations.

            LEARN MORE

            Your contact for digital hydropower solutions

              Dirk Fuchs

              Head of HyService Digital & Automation


              t +49 7321 37 6182

              Explore other digital solutions and services


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