Actuators & Control Systems from Voith Turbo:
Building trust through reliability.

In many plants or factories, shut­downs need to be avoided under all circum­stances. For example, a shut­down in a refinery or chemical plant can easily cost the operator up to €1,000,000 a day. In the case of critical infra­structure facilities like thermal power plants, there is also the threat of serious con­sequences for the popu­lation when it comes to energy security. In this sensitive market environ­ment, Voith Turbo’s Actuators & Control Systems pro­duct line has earned a legen­dary reputation. Its pro­ducts are a bench­mark for reliability and availability.

A key component, which results in high-availability, robust hard­ware and soft­ware for the controls of gas and steam turbines, is the attitude of the team: It combines sound profes­sional expertise with a high degree of customer focus and flexibility. For outgoing General Manager Willi Zinnecker and his suc­cessor Dr. Boris Voelling, this is an im­portant factor in the company’s success.

Overview of product portfolio

Overview of product portfolio

Gas turbines, steam turbines and compres­sors that use actuators, protection equipment and control systems from Voith Turbo achieve very high ef­ficiency and operational reli­ability. With our products, virtu­ally all turbine and compres­sor control systems can be achieved – from simple, non-redundant solutions to high-availability redundant systems.

I/H converter module from Voith Turbo

I/H converters and I/H converter modules

  • High productivity thanks to high reliability
  • Stable processes due to top-class control characteristics
  • Extremely robust: not sen­sitive to contami­nated pilot oil
  • Ideal for high-availability systems and facil­ities: The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is up to 20,000 years
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Way valve module from Voith Turbo

Way valves and way valve modules

  • Very good process quality due to highly dynamic and precise controls
  • Available as simple (non-redundant) or redundant system
  • Ideal for high-availability systems and facil­ities: The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is up to 8,800 years
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Control servo motor from Voith Turbo

Servo motors

  • Complete, cost-optimized drive solution with high force density
  • Highly dynamic, precise and stable control
  • Simple system integration and fast com­missioning, also ideal for retrofits
  • Integrated fail-safe function
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Trip block from Voith Turbo

Actuators for protection systems

  • In the event of an emer­gency trip, the actuators ensure that the tur­bines are switched off safely, typic­ally in 300 milliseconds
  • This avoids the damage that occurs in the event of turbine overspeed
  • Ideal for high-availability systems and plants: The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is up to 100,000 years
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Compact steam turbine controller TurCon DTc

Control systems for steam tur­bines and other turbomachinery

  • Highly flexible control systems for steam tur­bines of all power classes, even in system-critical applications
  • Standard compact controller TurCon DTc, modular design with industry-compliant hard­ware and a pre-engineered soft­ware solution (simply set the parameters)
  • Customized controllers TurCon DTe-Rx and -Cx, scal­able design with industry-compliant standard hard­ware (available as non-redundant and redundant solution)
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Voith Services keep your plants running

Service, engineering and retrofits

  • Services from Voith ensure produc­tivity and efficiency
  • Plant and system operators bene­fit from our product and techno­logy expertise during the entire life cycle of tur­bines or other systems
  • Development of custo­mized solutions based on extensive know­ledge of the industry
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Installed in 30,000 steam tur­bines, proven in mil­lions of operating hours

Installed in 30,000 steam tur­bines, proven in mil­lions of operating hours

For our customers, actuators and control systems play a key role in the ef­ficient control of their gas and steam turbines: One in three steam turbines world­wide features actuating and control techno­logy from Voith Turbo. You can only achieve this kind of market share if you have earned a top-class repu­tation. In the energy sector, specifi­cally in power plant engine­ering, oil and gas and petro­chemicals – the most important market segments for actuators and control systems from Voith Turbo – you need to satisfy a large number of criteria to survive. Besides the most im­portant aspect, which is maximum relia­bility to avoid turbine and thus plant shut­downs, industry and process know-how as well as extensive ex­perience and flexibility are also crucial. “Our team is at home in this challenging market segment,” says Dr. Boris Voelling, General Manager of the Actuators & Control Systems product line at Voith Turbo.

worldwide are equipped with actuators and control systems from Voith Turbo
is all the time it typically takes for tur­bines to shut down safely in the event of a trip thanks to Voith Turbo’s actuators for protection systems
is the maximum Mean Time Between Failures of pro­ducts from Voith Turbo's Actuators & Control Systems product line

Using products from Voith Turbo, non-redundant and red­undant actuators and control systems can be realized. In the case of red­undant systems, two equivalent actuators are con­nected in parallel. One is the lead actuator and the other is in ‘hot standby’. “In the event of a mal­function, the product in hot stand­by auto­matically takes the lead and the other pro­duct switches off and can be serviced,” says Willi Zinnecker, outgoing General Manager Actuators & Control Systems at Voith Turbo. “What is crucial is that this happens auto­matically in fractions of a second. We have literally per­fected these functions.” And when it comes to relia­bility, Voith Turbo’s actuators and control systems have earned the status of an industry legend. The Mean Time Between Failures, i.e., the average opera­ting time of a system before a failure oc­curs, is up to 100,000 years. This value is achieved by the company’s trip block for activating a trip valve.

Using products from Voith Turbo

Products from Voith Turbo are also making nuclear power plants safe

The company’s huge market pene­tration for steam tur­bines and the excellent reputation of the pro­ducts are resulting in more and more inquiries from oper­ators of nuclear power plants. Actuators from Voith Turbo, for example I/H converters or servo motors, are there­fore increasingly playing a role in carbon-free power genera­tion. “Operators of nuclear power plants have be­come one of our most im­portant target groups,” says Dr. Boris Voelling. “Inter­nationally, nuclear power is continuing to play what is an in­creasingly important role in carbon-free electricity generation. Many industria­lized countries are moder­nizing their power plant inven­tory to ensure reliable oper­ation while enabling systems to run for longer. At the same time, there is a trend towards building new plants based on new con­cepts and techno­logies. Small modular reactors (SMR) are playing an im­portant role in this context. Regard­less of the reactor techno­logy, whether established boiling water and pres­surized water reactors or SMRs: Our products increase ef­ficiency and safety in all types of nuclear power plants.”

That Voith Turbo’s Actuators & Control Systems pro­duct line has gained a foothold even in this perhaps most de­manding market segment is also eviden­ced by the recently won Supplier Excellence Award pre­sented by clients in the USA (see below). “Our customers appreciate us or those values that we put into practice every single day,” says the new General Manager Dr. Boris Voelling, refer­ring not just to product quality but also the caliber of the company’s con­sultation service and after­market support. “Even when the order has long since been proces­sed – we do not leave our customers on their own even after de­livery and implementation, but are always approach­able, highly flexible, and respond immediately if we are needed.” In this context, the team enjoys sup­port from Voith’s worldwide sites and service workshops.

Making nuclear power plants safe


Voith receives Westinghouse Excellence Award for out­standing performance in turbine upgrade project

At the Westinghouse Nuclear Global Supplier Symposium 2024 in Pittsburgh, USA, Voith was chosen from more than 135 sup­pliers to receive the “Innovation Leader” excel­lence award. Voith was awarded this distinc­tion for its out­standing achievements in the moder­nization of the actuators of one of the largest steam tur­bines in the world in a nuclear power plant in the USA.


What is the value of reliability? Where is the pro­duct line Actuators & Control Systems headed? Two experts answer these questions.

Willi Zinnecker, outgoing General Manager Actuators & Control Systems, Voith Turbo

Mr. Zinnecker, like scarcely any other brand, Voith is a byword for high or even maxi­mum reliability. In your product line, you and your team have made a very special contribu­tion to this corporate value. The actuators and control systems are a bench­mark for availability – generally refer­red to as uptime. Before you retire, can you tell us how you managed that?

Willi Zinnecker: First of all, it’s due to the fact that we have been dealing with actuators and control systems for de­cades, and several gene­rations of Voith engineers have continuously developed the techno­logies. So reliability can­not therefore be tied down to indi­viduals but is the work of the entire team. For each of us, it’s about more than ‘just’ manu­facturing extremely reliable products.

It’s about the mindset of wanting to make a dif­ference for the customer. As well as delivering solutions that are almost techni­cally perfect, this also includes, for example, providing customers with some light-bulb in­sights when we advise them and also offering excel­lent service – no matter what day or time.

It’s about the mindset of wanting to make a difference for the customer.
Willi Zinnecker, outgoing General Manager Actuators & Control Systems, Voith Turbo

Dr. Voelling, as General Manager, where do you envisage im­provement potential in your product line? Can you make the products even more reliable?

Dr. Boris Voelling: Naturally, we always want to improve. With many of the existing products we are already at a level where it would be dif­ficult and would make limited sense to make the techno­logy even more reliable. Relia­bility is about much more, as Willi Zinnecker already said. Here’s an ex­ample: With one of our light­house projects which we were recently awarded, the operator of a nuclear power plant submit­ted an inquiry for the replace­ment of the system-critical actuators. At the end of our consulta­tions, we had pro­duced a completely new technical concept that was much leaner and less main­tenance-intensive. The customer was de­lighted and would not have questioned the existing solution. It is these kinds of advisory services we mean when we talk about Voith Turbo being a reliable partner. And this also in­cludes a high level of on-time delivery, an accom­modating after-sales service, and fast response times if a service should be needed.

Dr. Boris Voelling, General Manager Actuators & Control Systems, Voith Turbo

In your view, what is the most important benefit of relia­bility for your customers?

Dr. Boris Voelling: Our products enable opera­tors to have full control over their systems at all times. They can rely on them not causing a breakdown. For people in charge of large power plants or chemical plants, this is an in­valuable advantage. It makes the dif­ference as to whether they can sleep soundly or not. So ulti­mately, we are selling a good night’s sleep.

Willi Zinnecker: Another aspect is that only systems that are run­ning earn money. If there’s a shut­down, nobody is going to praise you for saving a few per­centage points when buying compo­nents. What they will do is calcu­late how much money the down­time is costing. Working with Voith Turbo gives com­panies the reas­surance of having opted for the best techno­logy available on the market. This is also valuable, be­cause the turbines and compres­sors that our pro­ducts regulate and control require significant in­vestment and are highly susceptible. So you never feel quite comfor­table about having opted for the second-best solution. By the way, this is not something that I am asserting – it is feed­back that we often get from our customers.

We envisage great potential for improving the efficiency of turbines and reducing CO2.
Dr. Boris Voelling, General Manager Actuators & Control Systems, Voith Turbo

When you look to the future – where is the pro­duct line Actuators & Control Systems heading?

Dr. Boris Voelling: On the one hand, further develop­ments are making our pro­ducts even more sustainable and environ­mentally friendly. This concerns the switch from electro-hydraulic to electro-mechanical systems. Or the use of hydraulic fluids not derived from crude oil.

Looking at the bigger picture, we envi­sage great potential for im­proving the efficiency of tur­bines and reducing CO2. This is also why we want to win over other nuclear power plants as cust­omers. The focus is not just on new reactors, but above all on existing ones. The buz­zword is lifetime extension. Finland, for example, is plan­ning to keep its reactors on the grid for 80 years instead of the originally envi­saged 40 years. This will save huge amounts of CO2 and make a major contribution to meeting the set climate targets. In other markets too, there is a trend toward ex­tending service lives. So there’s a lot to be tackled.

Willi Zinnecker: I can underscore all those goals – and wish you every success!



Do you have feedback, questions or further suggestions? Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to speaking with you.