Decarbonization with CCUS

Decar­bonization with CCUS:
Reach your net zero target with Voith Turbo.

When it comes to mitigating climate change and reaching the agreed net zero target by 2050, there is no way around decar­bonization strategies. On the road to a climate-neutral future, there is no alter­native to the capture, use or storage of CO2 in addition to the avoidance. This process is called carbon capture, utiliza­tion and storage, or CCUS for short. It is extremely important because despite techno­logical inno­vations and world­wide efforts, there are still numerous industrial pro­cesses in which CO2 emis­sions are either diffi­cult to avoid or can­not be prevented at all. Voith Turbo not only supports CCUS infra­structures with inno­vative techno­logies and reliable pro­ducts, but also advises and provides guidance on the appli­cation of our solutions in CCUS processes.

Oil and gas infra­structure with CCUS process imple­mented

After the CO2 has been collected by capture tech­nology in special scrubbers and absorbers, Voith BHS turbo gear units can help to compress or liquefy it and Voith mechanical variable speed drives (such as the Vorecon tech­nology) can help to transport the CO2.


For the capture and storage of CO2, com­ponents from Voith Turbo play an impor­tant role world­wide. This applies in particular to Voith BHS turbo gear units such as the integral gear­box. Where single shaft centri­fugal com­pression is considered, Voith Vorecon planetary gear units can help control com­pressor operation via an electric motor. These products have proven effective over many years of continuous operation world­wide and there­fore lay the foun­dation for a high level of pro­cess reliability.

Overview of the product portfolio

Experts from the R&D depart­ment have strong method­ological skills in the field of CCUS and have integrated Voith Turbo compo­nents into cutting-edge systems that are already pre­venting CO2 emis­sions at several locations world­wide, thus miti­gating climate change.

The net zero target

The net zero target – i.e. the reduction of CO2 emissions to zero tons – was formulated in the Paris Agree­ment. A reduction of 45% is to be achieved by 2030, and 90% by 2050. Some regions such as the EU are setting them­selves even more stringent targets and are striving to be climate neutral by 2050. In this con­text, the potential of CCUS plays an important role. Fore­casts predict a capture of 1.8 Gt CO2 in 2030 and 7.6 Gt for 2050.

Turbo gear units are at the core of the CCUS process

The expansion of regener­ative energies, which are crucial to achiev­ing the net zero target, is forging ahead world­wide. But how do we handle CO2 emit­ters that can­not be readily decar­bonized? This is the case, for example, in oil and gas extraction, cement pro­duction, and the chemical industry. Numerous organi­zations and scien­tists recommend the CCUS process for these kinds of infra­structures. This involves separating CO2 from the exhaust gas flow and initially, extracting it in scrubbers and absorbers. For further transport and down­stream processing and/or carbon capture and storage the gas needs to be com­pressed. This pro­cess can be done reliably and effi­ciently by various Voith Turbo tech­nologies.

Voith BHS integral gear units:
Reliably successful since 1970

When used in com­pressor systems, Voith BHS inte­gral gear units offer a high overall effi­ciency that is only sur­passed by their reli­ability. Both qualities are crucial to the decades-long success story of this type of Voith Turbo gear unit.

maximum power transmission
maximum efficiency
speed range
maximum rated output torque
compressor stages
more than 50 years of experience and ongoing development

The Vorecon planetary gear system: efficiently regulates compressors

Planetary gear systems are used in the CCUS process wherever variable speeds are required. Voith Turbo’s compact Vorecon gear units enable project costs to be mini­mized and improve reli­ability.

higher overall efficiency compared with that of electronically controlled drive systems
in operation worldwide
revolutions per minute
availability – for unbeatable reliability
mean time between failures (MTBF)

More than just a component supplier:
Process expertise and service are always part of the package

For Voith Turbo, expertise and partner­ship are just as im­portant as highly reliable pro­ducts and effi­cient tech­nologies. When imple­menting turbo and planetary gear units for CCUS appli­cations, our experts have bene­fited above all from their decades of experience. Since 1970, Voith has produced 20,000 of the turbo gear units alone. 7,000 of these are still in use – inclu­ding hundreds in the energy industry, where down­times add up to high losses within a short period of time.


This means that along­side the reli­ability that is always our priority, pro­viding an excel­lent service is vital. For a highly effec­tive partner­ship, Voith Turbo relies on a world­wide service network of work­shops and special­ists as well as the expert­ise avail­able from Germany. Integrating upgrades into main­tenance and repair jobs often helps improve perform­ance and efficiency.

At Voith, we see our­selves as more than mere suppliers of compo­nents and products. In the CCUS segment, our experts have established signifi­cant method­ological cap­abilities and can provide customers with compre­hensive advice and support regarding our solutions.

Never let a customer down:

At Voith Turbo, the spirit of partner­ship thrives in our world­wide service network. The Competence Center Turbo Gear Units in Sonthofen is also the head­quarters of the company’s global service activities. It is home to 60 profes­sionals across various depart­ments including Field Service Engineers and Tech­nicians in our dedicated works­hop. Voith Turbo also operates world­wide service hubs to ensure fast response times.

Learn more
What is the role of CCUS

What is the role of CCUS and how can Voith Turbo help?
Two experts answer these questions.

The CCUS market has had to establish itself to earn its place among the tools used to combat global climate change. What has led to the CCUS market gaining in importance worldwide?

Simon Turnbull: When it comes to reducing CO2, many different methods play a role such as re­newable energies, general electrifi­cation, hydrogen as a climate-neutral energy source, or specifi­cally the electrifi­cation of drive systems that were previously powered with fossil fuels. However, CCUS is extremely important when it comes to decarbo­nizing industries and appli­cations that can­not easily reduce their CO2 emissions. The emer­gence of CCUS in industrial clusters will also increase its viability.

Alberto Baffa: In recent years it has become increas­ingly clear that the Net Zero target – requiring the reduction of CO2 emis­sions by 45% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 – will scarcely be achiev­able without CCUS. This was an impor­tant reason for us to consider how we can also sup­port our customers in this area with both tech­nologies and expertise.

And you have clearly found ways of helping your customers with CCUS appli­cations as well?

Alberto Baffa: The starting point was that we have several products in our range that are also relevant for CCUS applications. We have sup­plied thousands of Voith BHS turbo gear units and Vorecon planetary gear systems and have earned a repu­tation for reliability in the energy industry and beyond. Reli­ability backed by track record proven references are para­mount for the project stake­holders, from the OEM to the licencors and of course our investors. And because we have been success­fully taking on these challenges for a long time, our customers have great confidence in us.

Simon Turnbull: Due to the emer­gence of industrial clusters and the transport and storage segment within the CCUS market, we hope this can be an area where our solutions can add value and be of sup­port – the appro­priate Voith tech­nology depends on the final compres­sor or pump tech­nology selection. When sup­plying variable speed drives our team can provide valuable insights when it comes to drive selection, and our solutions can sup­port the reduction of capital expen­diture through the simplifi­cation of the drive train.

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the Net Zero target will hardly be achievable without CCUS.
Alberto Baffa, Key Account Manager, Voith Turbo

Where have you already provided support for CCUS infrastructures, and which specific objectives were pursued in these cases?

Alberto Baffa: The plan­ning and implemen­tation of CCUS projects is clearly gaining momentum. We have just success­fully delivered a large gear­box for CCUS in the Nether­lands and we are active in projects in many dif­ferent countries span­ning from North America to Europe and the Middle East. The CCUS potential is mas­sive, how­ever clear regulations and infra­structures are a pre­condition to untap­ping new CCUS projects backed by multi-year investments. We are well pre­pared and looking forward to them.

Simon Turnbull: We have sup­ported CO2 injection several times on off­shore appli­cations, more specifi­cally FPSOs, where no flaring is permit­ted due to legis­lation and CO2 must be re-injected into the reservoir. Voith’s Vorecon tech­nology has sup­ported this process require­ment by providing variable speed due to varying gas compres­sion and reservoir character­istics. As previously mentioned, the use of the mechanical planetary gearbox with variable speed (VSD) reduces the number of components and provides the reliability to support the process requirements over a long period of time.


Do you have feedback, questions or further suggestions? Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to speaking with you.