

Engineering Workshop – Experience Technology Up Close in Your Holidays!

This is the fifth time that Voith GmbH offers an Engineering Workshop during the Autumn Break for Voith children currently attending the sixth form. The holiday program is headed by the motto: Have Fun with Technology.

Technikwerkstatt klein
Zur Großansicht

In total, 20 male and female students participate in the holiday program taking place from Wednesday to Friday and turn up at Voith at eight in the morning every day. The enthusiasm and the commitment of the children show how much they enjoy this fascinating encounter with technology combined with a true sense of achievement.

Under the guidance of Renate Collins, Werner Klein and Michael Richter, the children design, produce drawings and use files and lathes to their hearts' content. A handmade fully-functioning spirit level with an engraved name is just one example of their efforts. The course is undoubtedly a memorable holiday event about which the children can talk when they are back at school.

Another highlight is a trip to Heilbronn to the interactive science museum "Experimenta“. There, the children will get an introduction into electricity and carry out some supervised research of the magnetic effects of electric power in a number of experiments. The museum itself presents of course lots of opportunities of finding out more about technology and offers many exciting hands-on activities.

Gina puts into words how inspired the boys and girls are: "I really love it. They are showing us what to do; and whenever we need assistance - for example with drilling - there is always someone there to help us." Another participant is equally enthusiastic and points out how much she enjoys sawing.

The week has definitely whetted the appetite for tinkering and experimenting, and perhaps some of the participants have already developed an interest in a future career in engineering and technology.


Katrin Plieninger

Strategic HR Marketing & Recruiting