Media Releases


Voith-CEO Lienhard: “Pumped Storage Plants are the Backbone of the Energy Transition.”

  • Pumped storage plants add the necessary flexibility to energy systems, in order to integrate renewable energies reliably
  • The combination of storage system, reserve power and flexibility turn pumped storage plants into genuine “multi-function power stations”
  • “Pumped storage plants are the backbone of the Energy Transition”
Heidenheim/Berlin. Today’s cabinet meeting of the German Government which also included a revision of the CHP Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG). Against this background, Hubert Lienhard, CEO and President of the Management Board of Voith GmbH, emphasizes once again, how important pumped storage power stations are for the successful implementation of the energy transition in Germany and Europe: „Pumped storage power stations are the backbone of the Energy Transition.“

In today’s meeting, the German government looked, among other things, at the subsidies for the promotion of cogeneration plants (CHP). Industries with high energy intensity levels currently pay a reduced CHP levy. So far, operators of pumped storage power plants have benefited from these regulations and will continue to do in the future, which is also endorsed by Lienhard: “Pumped storage plants are a highly proven technology, which, by the way, is the only one to store energy on an industrial scale as a battery. It therefore makes a significant contribution to grid regulation and stabilization.”

Pumped storage power plants make a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition and perform many tasks that are vital for the secure, sustainable and cost-effective supply with renewable energies. Because their technology ensures that wind and solar energies are utilized more efficiently: Only with the help of pumped storage plants are volatile renewable energies such as wind or solar available at any time of the day and thus make energy supplies stable, safe and quantifiable. If wind and solar plants generate too much energy for the grid, pumped storage plants can store this surplus. When energy is needed, it can then be fed into the grid in seconds with minimum CO2 emissions. Excess energy from wind and sun is therefore not wasted. With this technology, fossil fuels can be saved, as the otherwise required supply of energy from fossil power stations becomes unnecessary. “Pumped storage plants are therefore eminently suitable for compensating fluctuations between power surpluses and power shortages. As a result they make a significant contribution to avoid the limited utilization of fluctuating renewable energies“, Lienhard adds.

Pumped storage power plants therefore offer the flexibility and fast reaction needed in order to reliably and quickly counterbalance inconstant quantities of power generated by wind power and photovoltaic plants as well as by varying energy demands. The special combination of storage system, reserve power and flexibility makes pump storage plants true “multi-function power stations” ensuring grid stability and securing energy supplies.

Another advantage of pumped storage plants: They can be easily coupled with other renewable energy sources. So-called hybrid plants, for example pumped storage system combined with wind turbines or photovoltaic units, will in future generate reliable and affordable electricity. All of these benefits make pump storage technology a proven and stable medium for power storage on an industrial scale.

Voith sets standards in the markets for energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials, transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 20,000 people, generates 4.3 billion euros in sales, operates in over 60 countries around the world and is now one of the biggest family companies in Europe.*
*Excluding the discontinued operation Voith Industrial Services.